and now for something completely different Monty Python would say.

While I can be quite quirky, I'm equally a zen lover of beauty and harmony: a Libra-rising soul.  I have a few friends with sleep issues.  I got a request today to compose a lullaby to help lull them to a peaceful state prior to bedtime.

Incidentally, I've thought about writing meditations for groups or individuals to help lead them into a deeper state of consciousness or at least relaxation. Visualization is one of the best things about being human.  At least, I don't think grubs or tree sloths engage in creative visualization...I may be proven wrong one day and have to explain myself to Charlie Rose or The Dalai Lama.

Alas, here is my, as per yet untitled, meditation lullaby.  I'd like to think it's subtler than the satirical book "Go the F--- to Sleep."  Be quiet, you, or you'll get the hose! Yes you will, Precious!

Back to the realm of our imaginations where we pet kittens and swim inside rainbows....

You are leaving the world of cement,
of concrete, and flashing red lights--
the hardness, harshness and noise.

It starts to fade into softness:
the soothing feel of grass beneath your bare feet,
the reassuring touch of a woolen blanket draped around you,
the scent of warm, fragrant tea from the highlands of India...
or perhaps...
a mild green from Japan in a pale porcelain cup, cradled in your hands.

You hear and see a pulsing heart-shaped aura.
 The color reminds you of  an enchantingly beautiful rose in a garden.

Within the pulse, you hear the innocent chirping of crickets, lulling and bidding you to a peaceful sleep.  
A sleep you find along the path from where you started.


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