A Penny for my thoughts

A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny

's review

Dec 02, 2016  ·  edit

really liked it
bookshelves: mysteries
Read from November 20 to December 02, 2016

I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire series so far, and this book is no exception. However, this story focused a lot more on relationships, personalities and struggles than "who dunnit" in my opinion. Sure, I wanted to find out who killed the victim, but I got caught up (in a good way) with the challenges and questions facing many of the characters--mostly the established characters, but also with the new ones who made an appearance for the storyline of this book. The title really does make sense as you read the book. What is real? Can people change? What's good and beautiful, and what's bad and ugly? Is it merely in the eye of the beholder? Are we kidding ourselves, or trying to fool others? Or is there a way to know for sure? Forgiveness and revenge are also key themes. A mix of philosophy and tension.

I was surprised to find out who the killer was at the end, but what satisfied me the most was the progress Louise Penny made with the characters--many are showing new facets: evolving or struggling. I have a few more books in this series to get to the latest one (now out in hardcover http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-great-reckoning-louise-penny/1123343166?ean=9781250022134). Until then, I will daydream about sipping cognac in front of the roaring fire at the cozy bed and breakfast in Three Pines, Quebec.



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