Literary time travel: set your time machine for 1930s swanky society!
My latest book review on
Short but sweet. I've been reading this cozy mystery series for a few years and it maintains its stylish lighthearted romp through the realm of mysteries and murders. The lead character, Georgie Rannoch, is part of the British royal family, but belongs to a poor branch: she lacks the glamorous duds, large bank account, and worse yet, a home of her own (always drifting from her brother's drafty castle to her socialite friends' apartments, or traveling on assignment).
Admirably independent and resourceful, and a romantic at heart, she is a wonderful character. I live vicariously through her with each of the series' installments. Plus, the cover illustrations are fabulous!
I turn to this series when I've been reading too much hardcore medieval historical fiction. There are only so many accounts of brutality and betrayal I can stand! And after the Game of Thrones season finale, I really need a cocktail: a sidecar or a martini will do!
I recommend this series to any of you who are looking to detach and detox from the apocalyptic, scare the pants of 'ya, violent movies and book storylines out there! Sure, I plan to see "It" and I will read and absorb more medieval malice, but balance is needed--and this swanky mystery series places me in a world of fancy cocktails, reckless socialite friends, parties crammed with royalty and the rich and famous, designer gowns, exotic locations, and exciting exploits.
I think Georgie-with her tall, slim figure and blonde hair would look divine in this gown...if only she could afford it! She will just have to borrow it from one of her rich gal pals!
I'm sure she'll have an opportunity soon, with dashing Darcy and boy-crazed Belinda in tow.
Queen Mary may not approve, but that royal stick in the mud doesn't need to know!
by Rhys Bowen (Goodreads Author)
Sep 16, 2017
Jenny's Reviews
Thoroughly enjoyed the latest episode in the life and times of Georgie, the poor 1930s-era British aristocrat who always seems to find herself in the midst of unexpected adventure, intrigue and deadly intentions.
What happened this time around? Read my poem full of clues....
Great review! I know what you mean by needing a break from darker material. I just finished 'The Handmaid's Tale'. Depressing. I love the photo you picked - gives a good visual of the character (with a fabulous gown, borrowed).