Travels with Patti
M Train by Patti Smith (Goodreads Author) Jenny 's review May 01, 2018 ยท edit it was amazing Not your standard memoir. Beautifully descriptive and poignant writing. Smith has truly imbued herself into the pages of the book--I felt as a silent companion during her many journeys and life experiences. She is transparent yet complicated, emotional and accessible. She lives a fairly simple, sometimes routined external life (wardrobe, coffee and book shops). Her internal life is colorful, questioning, philosophical, sentimental, thoughtfully expressive. Her yearning for connection, closure and experiencing art and its creators drives her to travel all over the world: Morocco, the English countryside, Suriname and French Guiana, Venice Beach, Rockaway Beach, Kyoto, Iceland, Berlin. She seems isolated at times and often alone, but her friends are unique people who share her penchant for reverence, art...